1. SMPTE Registration Authority, LLC is the registration authority for ISO/IEC 13818-1:2023 Information Technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Systems

SMPTE is authorized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to register MPEG-2 format identifiers per ISO/IEC 13818-1:2023 Annex O: Registration procedure [for "format_identifier"].

Click here for a list of format_identifer registrations 

Click here for an on-line application form 

The registration descriptor of MPEG-2 transport is provided by ISO 13818-1 in order to enable users of the standard to carry data unambiguously when its format is not necessarily a recognized international standard. This provision permits the MPEG-2 transport standard to carry all types of data while providing for a method of unambiguous identification of the characteristics of the underlying private data.

ISO/IEC 13818-1:2023 clause 2.6.9 specifies format_identifier is a 32-bit value obtained from the Registration Authority.

The 32-bits provides over 4 billion values (4,294,967,296). The initial proposal is to provide four 8-bit ASCII characters 
e.g. in hex code, 

AC-3 would be: 41-43-2D-33

In binary code, AC-3 would be: 0100 0001 - 0100 0011 - 0010 1101 - 0011 0011 

Registration of private data format
1.0 Introduction

The registration descriptor of MPEG-2 transport is provided by ISO/IEC 13818-1 in order to enable users of the standard to unambiguously carry data when its format is not necessarily a recognized international standard. This provision will permit the MPEG-2 transport to carry all types of data while providing for a method of unambiguous identification of the characteristics of the underlying private data.

In the following sections, the benefits and responsibilities of all parties to the registration of private data format are outlined.

2. Implementation of a Registration Authority (RA)

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 shall call for nominations from member bodies of ISO or National Committees of IEC which will serve as the Registration Authority for the format_identifier as defined in 2.6.8 and 2.6.9. The selected organization shall serve as the Registration Authority. The so-named Registration Authority shall execute its duties in compliance with Annex H/JTC 1 Directives. The registered private data format_identifier is hereafter referred to as the Registered Identifier (RID).

Upon selection of the Registration Authority, JTC 1 shall require the creation of a Registration Management Group (RMG) which will review appeals filed by organizations whose request for an RID to be used in conjunction with this Specification has been denied by the Registration Authority..

3. Procedure for the request of a Registered Identifier (RID)

Requesters of a RID shall apply to the Registration Authority. Registration forms shall be available from the Registration Authority. Information which the requester shall provide is given in section 5. Companies and organizations are eligible to apply.

4. Responsibilities of the Registration Authority

The primary responsibilities of the Registration Authority administrating the registration of private data format_identifiers is outlined in this section; certain other responsibilities may be found in the JTC 1 Directives. The Registration Authority shall:

a) implement a registration procedure for application for a unique RID in accordance with JTC 1 objectives.

b) receive and process the applications for allocation of an identifier from application providers.

c) ascertain which applications received are in accordance with this registration procedure, and to inform the requester within 30 days of receipt of the application of their assigned RID.

d) inform application providers whose request is denied in writing within 30 days of receipt of the application, and to consider re-submission of the application in a timely manner.

e) maintain an accurate register of the allocated identifiers. Revisions to format specifications shall be accepted and maintained by the Registration Authority;

f) make the contents of this register available upon request to any interested party;

g) maintain a database of RID request forms, granted and denied. Parties seeking technical information on the format of private data which has a RID shall have access to such information which is part of the database maintained by the Registration Authority;

h) report its activities to JTC 1, the ITTF and the JTC 1/SC 29 Secretariat, or their respective assignees, annually on a schedule mutually agreed upon.

4.1 Contact information of the Registration Authority

Organization Name: SMPTE Registration Authority, LLC (SMPTE-RA)

Address: 445 Hamilton Ave, Suite 601, White Plains, NY 10601 USA
Telephone: +1 914 761 1100
Fax: +1 914 206 4216
email: registrar@smpte.org

5. Responsibilities of parties requesting an RID

The party requesting a format_identifier shall:

a) apply using the form and procedures supplied by the Registration Authority;

b) include a description of the purpose of the registered bitstream, and the required technical details as specified in the application form.

c) provide contact information describing how a complete description can be obtained on a non-discriminatory basis;

d) agree to institute the intended use of the granted RID within a reasonable time-frame;

e) maintain a permanent record of the application form and the notification received from the Registration Authority of a granted RID.

6. Appeal procedure for denied applications

The Registration Management Group is formed to have jurisdiction over appeals relating to a denied request for an RID. The RMG shall have a membership who are nominated by P and L members of the ISO technical body responsible for this part of ISO/IEC 13818. It shall have a convenor and secretariat nominated from its members. The Registration Authority is entitled to nominate one non-voting observing member.

The responsibilities of the RMG shall be:

a) to review and act on all appeals within a reasonable time-frame;

b) to inform, in writing, organizations which make an appeal for reconsideration of its petition of the RMG's disposition of the matter;

c) to review the annual report of the Registration Authority summary of activities;

d) to supply ISO member bodies with information concerning the scope of operation of the Registration Authority.